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Safeguarding and Child Protection

The school works in partnership with parents to support children in every way possible.  However, the welfare and safety of children is paramount and referrals to Social Care can be, and are made, in the interests of our pupils.  

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mrs R Carlyle - Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mrs M Childs - Pastoral Lead

Mrs J van Wyk - SENCo

Miss N Pullen - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs H Richardson - Senior Assistant Headteacher

Miss S Boister - Assistant Headteacher

Mrs R Gaston - Assistant Headteacher

Mrs C Russell - Safeguarding Assistant/Lead ELSA

Mrs K Farrell - SENCo Assistant

Health, Safety and Security

The health and safety of our children is of the utmost priority. There are a range of security guidelines and it is asked that all children, visitors and parents follow them.

All visitors to the school must enter through our buzzer entry system and report to the school office.  

To keep everyone safe, we request that adults and children do not ride bikes or scooters in the school playground, that dogs are not brought on to school premises and that parents are extremely careful when using local roads at the beginning and end of the school day. All our play equipment and climbing frames are for the use of pupils when supervised by staff during the school day.

School Policies

Useful Links

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

Portsmouth Safeguarding Children’s Board

Working Together to Safeguard Children - July 2018